Podcast dedicated to reviewing the most critically panned movies. Is there a diamond in the rough? its unlikely, but we try our best. We also commandeer guests to divulge their movie guilty pleasure. Follow us on the socials: https://www.instagram.com/movie_bunker_podcast/ https://www.facebook.com/MovieBunkerPodcast/ https://twitter.com/movie_bunker

Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Constantine with Helen O'Hara + Chris's Top 5
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
In this special guest bonus episode we talk to film journalist and podcaster Helen O'Hara about Constantine. Whilst it faired poorly at the box office and with critics, there is plenty of gothic, noire style to feast upon. Helen rightly defends the honour of this 2005 Keanu vehicle.
Its also our last top 5. Chris reveals 5 Star Wars stand alone movie ideas.
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Saturday Jul 13, 2019
The Happytime Murders the Movie Bunker Review
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
This week we get an earlier than expected swipe at one of films on our wish list, The Happytime Murders! Will this critically panned parentally problematic puppet pageantry elevate itself out of the bunker or like the puppets themselves will we be left ultimately hollow?
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Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Craggus interview ft Suprman 3 + Matt's top 5
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
This week I get to speak to 'The Craggus' from the long running blog https://thecraggus.com/ where we have a ruddy good chat about his unpopular opinion movie, Superman 3. Matt also presents another top 5 (we lost the last one down the side of the sofa) "Supporting Actors in a Lead Roll' which trips of the tongue but you get the idea.
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Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Doom. The Movie Bunker Review & Matt's top 5
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Doom, doom we are all doomed! Or we just review the video game adaptation and try to challenge the theories all game films are bad and the Rock can save any film. Plus an awkward conversation about nipples. Matt does his top 5 games he would want to see turned into films
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Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Dune with Giles Paley-Phillips & Chris's top 5 significant event movies
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
The episode we talk to author, musician and Blank podcast co host Giles Paley-Phillips about Dune. Dune is now considered a cult classic, but upon release it was not well received by film journalists. Giles talks about his love of all things Lynch and lets us know what he thinks about the current trend of re-makes amongst a whole heap of other stuff!
Its Chris's top 5 this time, and this episode Matt challenged him with top 5 significant / historical events he wanted to see committed to celluloid. Surely this was an easy one what with the entire world history to choose from. right?
Check out Giles's twitter links below;
Personal - @eliistender10
Blank Podcast - @blankpod
Music - @burnthousemusic
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Saturday May 18, 2019
MBP Phase 3 Wrap up and Preview Phase 4
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
This week we take a leaf out of Marvels book and complete phase 3 of our podcast we don't have to defeat someone with a ballbag for a chin but there are some personal battles that are nearly as epic. We have a look back at the films and awesome guests we had in and look forward to phase 4 films we really want to see.
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Saturday May 11, 2019
The Love Guru. The Movie Bunker Review
Saturday May 11, 2019
Saturday May 11, 2019
This week we review the film that broke Mike Myers string of hit films. Was the film underrated or was the underation underrated? Knowing our luck you can guess which it is. Give me a pound, lock it down, break the pickle ... tickle tickle tickle.
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Saturday May 04, 2019
Dracula 2000 with Kayleigh Donaldson and Chris' Top 5 sequels never made
Saturday May 04, 2019
Saturday May 04, 2019
This week I get to talk to Kayleigh Donaldson Writer/critic for Screenrant features, pajiba.com and SYFYFangrrls.com and Co-host of The Hollywood Read podcast. We delve into her pic pick, Dracula 2000 and see if its worthy of escaping the bunker! Chris presents his top 5 sequels that he wants to see made you will never believe number 4! (<- clickbait alert).
Catch Kayleigh at:
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Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Avengers Special The Movie Bunker Review
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
SPECIAL! In an unplanned (mostly) unedited (mostly) special this week the overlords finally bless us with a decent film to watch. In true MBP style everything is not what it appears to be...
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Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Escape From LA. The Movie Bunker Review
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
This week we review the sequel to the cult classic Escape from New York, Escape from LA. Can John Carpenter really mess up that bad? Should a man wear leggings? Should a man wear the same leggings for 16 years? Is it acceptable to have effects that look hand drawn by an 8 year old in 1996? Are all questions we will need to answer. Show you care by rating/reviewing/liking and subscribing.
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